Tired of absolutes and fear mongering created by one size fits all health advice?
How do you think gluten feels?
Gluten is the scapegoat for 100% of the gut health and digestion issues across humanity
Yet, everyone loves pizza, pasta, and a fully loaded sandwich.
Somehow, people are surviving these near death encounters.
So, is gluten as bad for you as the experts want you to believe?
As usual, it depends.
Some "experts" say that if you don't have celiac disease, then you can eat gluten without any problems.
Yet, this claim feels like these experts aren't experts at all.
First, you can find Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS) in the scientific literature.
Second, every nutrition coach has seen G.I. complaints eliminated by removing gluten.
There are countless papers published on the effects of gluten and here are a few highlights:
Most people will do better on a gluten-free diet.
Even if they are not predisposed to a gluten-related issue.
This is because they are removing processed foods, baked goods, and sugary cereals.
NCGS is a real thing.
Celiac disease is at the far end of the spectrum affecting 1% of the population.
Closer to the middle of the spectrum is 16-30% of the population with NCGS.
Their symptoms are not as aggressive as Celiac.
Removing gluten for this population will improve gut health symptoms.
Gluten lives on a spectrum and your GI health will likely improve by eating less.